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Preventing Lyme Disease

In our area Lyme disease is becoming more prevalent, which raises the concern for prevention. There are two ways to prevent Lyme disease; tick preventatives and vaccination.  Any dog that spends time outside, especially in high grass or wooded areas is at risk to encounter ticks carrying Lyme disease. There are several products that contain tick preventative, and are very effective to help decrease tick exposure. Some of our favorites are: Seresto collar (for cats and dogs), Nexgard (for dogs), Vectra 3d (for dogs), Catego (for cats) and Bravecto (for cats). Cats can also become infected with Lyme disease, but do not show signs of illness. It is very important to know that some tick preventatives for dogs can be toxic to cats, so it is best to read all labels and stick to preventatives that are specific to the species you are treating.  The second method of prevention is vaccination. For the area we live in, we consider the Lyme disease vaccination one of the most important vaccinations for dogs, due to the increasing population of deer ticks. The initial vaccine will need a booster 3 to 4 weeks after the first injection, and then it becomes a yearly vaccine that is given as long as your dog is exposed to the outdoors.  By combining tick prevention and vaccination you are giving your pet the best possible protection they can have against Lyme disease.